A new daily flight service between Mumbai and Dubai has been launched by Vistara, a joint venture between Singapore Airlines and Tata Sons. The maiden flight departed from Mumbai on Wednesday 21 August 2019 and arrived in the UAE at 6pm local time. Return fares have been set at an introductory price of Dh912.
Vistara’s chief executive officer Leslie Thng says that daily flights from Mumbai will leave at 4:25pm for a 6:15pm arrival at Dubai. Return flights will depart at 7:15pm and land back in the bustling Indian city at 12:15am the next day. Dubai is the second international destination for Vistara, providing premium economy class travel between the United Arab Emirates and India. The airline is currently serving as many as 27 destinations and has a fleet of 30 aircraft making more than 1,200 flights every week.
Thng says that of the 30 aircraft in the company fleet, 23 of them are Airbus A320 or Boeing 737-800 NG aircraft. A recent order has been placed for the acquisition of a further 56 aircraft from Airbus and Boeing in order to further expand Vistara’s fleet of services. More flight routes both within the UAE and outside of it may be added depending on the demand.
Thng says that feasibility studies that have been carried out by the company have discovered that flights from Dubai to Mumbai are in high demand and that Vistara wishes to be able to tap into the huge Indian diaspora within the UAE. He adds that the firm’s premium economy service has discovered a large hole in the sector, which is why it made the decision to add a new flight service within this facility.
Vistara currently shares a number of codes with five different airlines, those being Singapore Airlines, United Airlines, British Airways, Japan Airlines and Silk Air, and Thng notes that the airline is open to also doing so with other airlines as it continues to expand. The company currently makes use of narrow-bodied aircraft, but it is also examining the possibility of using wide-bodied aircraft in order to allow the company to expand its service beyond Asia and begin long-haul operations. However, for now, Thng says that the firm is excited to begin its new Dubai service and cater to both the huge Indian diaspora as well as more global travellers on the route.
In July, Vistara launched international operations, beginning with daily flights from Delhi and Mumbai to Singapore. Flight services to Bangkok in Thailand are set to commence on 27 August. Since beginning operations four years ago back in 2015, the airline has flown over 16 million customers.
Anyone who is planning to use Vistara, or any other airline, to travel within the UAE or overseas should take out travel insurance in order to ensure that they are protected from financial setbacks that can result from cancelled flights, overseas illnesses or accidents, or theft.